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Get 1 獎賞積分 for every HK$1 spent
500 獎賞積分 = HK$5 off the lowest priced item in cart
1,000 獎賞積分 = HK$20 off the lowest priced item in cart
1,000 獎賞積分 = HK$20 off the lowest priced item in cart
In order to thank you for your support of Fingertip Art Studio, starting from July 22, 2023, after registering as a member and successfully enrolling in any courses, activities and online shopping through the online system, you can receive reward points.
"Reward Points" can only be awarded after the member logs in and makes payment. If the customer has not pre-registered as a member at the time of payment, "Points" will not be obtained;
"Reward Points" customers can check by themselves on the website at any time, and "Points" will not be checked on behalf of others;
After "Reward Points" are issued, they will be viewable on the "Points" record page;
If "Reward Points" have not been distributed, they will not be displayed on the "Points" record page;
"Reward Points" cannot be exchanged for cash;
"Reward Points" cannot be transferred to others;
"Reward Points" can only be used by you;
"Reward Points" redemption activities, any event rewards or privileges redeemed with "Points", the guest will not receive "Points" for the rewards or privileges
Once "reward points" are used, they will not be reissued.
"Reward Points" will be automatically deducted on the expiration date. If they remain unused, they will not be reissued;
The "reward points" are valid until March 31 of each year. It will be automatically canceled after expiration without further notice.
If it is not a systematic error of the Company, "Reward Points" will not be reissued under any circumstances;
The Company will not bear any responsibility for incorrect "points". The reasons for incorrect "points" may include technical failures or various factors beyond the control of the Company.
The terms of use of this "Reward Points Program" will be modified from time to time without notice;
In the event of any dispute, Fingertip Art reserves the right to interpret, exercise and decide all terms and conditions;
If there are any systemic problems with "Reward Points", please contact us as soon as possible. We will correct it as soon as possible and continue to improve related services. We apologize for any inconvenience.